general Clean streets, Clean shops and Clean Japan The reason why Japan is clean is because its behavior and actions for "Cleanness" has been build in the long history and influenced by Buddhism and Confucianism. 2024.11.17 general
general Furusatoふるさと Japanese profound sentiment about “home town” It is the word Japanese recall their home townmountainsriverschoolvillage festival Four Japanese words “ふ・る・さ・と; fu-ru-s... 2024.08.09 general
general DO道 ; the word express the Japanese traditional spirit There are many sports in Japan with the word of Do道. Do道 has a special meaning of Japanese spirit and it brings Japanese good manner and attitude which people outside of Japan think it is nice. 2024.03.23 general
general Sakura in Japan: cherry blossoms Japan's Sakura, cherry blossoms is very famous not only Japanese but people in the world, while there are special feelings of Japanese behind Sakura which cannot be seen from outside of Japan. Here is cleared. 2024.02.24 general